Monday, April 27, 2009

Going Green

Well, it's official. The Chau Family is Going Green. :) At the urging of Micaiah, who has been learning about composting at school, we recently started a worm bin and a compost bin. The kids are mostly excited about the worm bin - eagerly saving their banana peels, egg shells, and other scraps for the worms. Did you know that half a pound of worms can devour 1/4 pound of food scraps in one day! Our family easily generates that much green waste, so were hoping our scraps can soon go to good use in our yard.


cheryl said...

you misspelled your kid's name!

Kempiz said...

This would be Jo Jo's dream come true! How fun for Micaiah.

Emily said...

Love how he is sharing what he learns and having fun at it too. Good job Micaiah for encouraging us all to become better stewards of God's creation.