Monday, April 27, 2009

Going Green

Well, it's official. The Chau Family is Going Green. :) At the urging of Micaiah, who has been learning about composting at school, we recently started a worm bin and a compost bin. The kids are mostly excited about the worm bin - eagerly saving their banana peels, egg shells, and other scraps for the worms. Did you know that half a pound of worms can devour 1/4 pound of food scraps in one day! Our family easily generates that much green waste, so were hoping our scraps can soon go to good use in our yard.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Heat Wave!

Well, Spring Break came and went w/o a blogspot post :). But I did have a delightful time w/ my three girls. Micaiah was traveling to AZ and NM with his beloved grandparents for the entire week. We missed him dearly and hoped he would blog (, but he and his "Gigi" and "Boppy" were much too busy for blogging! The house was VERY quiet w/o our dear son. The night he bounded back into the house talking non-stop we realized how quiet the house really had been.

So this week the weather decided to take a turn and skipped straight to summer. It was over 95 degrees for two days! Mimi decided it was time to wash the car and Kari was ready to help out. As a family, I think we are really ready for summer vacation.